Media Releases & Notices
Notice of Interest: Assessment of Demand for High Demand Spectrum (HDS)
The purpose of this notice is to assess demand for HDS from interested sectoral providers as required in the Regulatory Authority (Grant of Spectrum Licences Permits and Exempted Frequencies) General Determination 2020 (Spectrum GD). The Spectrum GD specifies that, upon receipt of a Qualified Application for HDS, the Regulatory Authority (RA) shall assess the availability of the requested HDS spectrum against overall demand by publishing a Notice of Interest (Notice) on its website and in the Official Gazette. Additionally, the RA has received a request to consider re-organization of two HDS spectrum ranges to allow linear/contiguous use of larger blocks to permit more efficient and robust 4G or 5G channel usage. This Notice will allow sectoral participants to provide feedback on this proposal.