COL/ICOL Licences

Information about Communications Operating Licences and Integrated Communications Operating Licences.

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About COL/ICOL Licences

A business operating in the electronic communications sector in Bermuda must have a license to do so, either a “COL” – Communications Operating Licence which includes an ICOL, or an “ICOL” – Integrated Communications Operating Licence.

Instructions for Payment

A remittance must be sent to this address. This will ensure that payments are allocated correctly in our system.

For payments, please find banking details listed below. For electronic transfers or email a completed Credit Card Form to this address.



Beneficiary Bank:

HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited

Beneficiary Account Number:

011 084456 011 – US Dollar only

Beneficiary Name:

Regulatory Authority of Bermuda


Craig Appin House,
8 Wesley Street
Hamilton HM 11