As a consumer, you have the right to and responsibility for consumer protection. Sectoral providers also have rights and responsibilities for consumer protection.
Make a complaint for a grievance with a regulated sectoral provider.
Licences required for operating a radio station, radio apparatus or any radio transmitting and receiving apparatus.
A collection of articles published by the RA for consumers and sectoral providers.
Commonly used terms from the website and from regulatory documents.
Common queries about the RA answered.
This sector involves the supply, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.
This sector involves the supply and consumption of electronic communications and devices that transmit radio signals.
This sector involves the connection of submarine cables to the networks of ICOL holders to provide international connectivity.
This sector includes any communication cables that lie beneath Bermuda's waters and are connected to a place in Bermuda.
A public registry of all licences, permits or other authorisations granted by the RA.
A collection of news about our regulated sectors in Bermuda.
Contact information for regulated service providers.
Consulting with the public to get their feedback is an important part of the regulatory process. This helps to maintain transparency and preserve good governance.
This is a collection of public consultations conducted by the RA, including open, active and closed consultations.
These include TD&R, Bulk Generation, and Large Scale Self-Supply Licences.
These include radio licences, type approvals, COL/ICOLs, SubCols and Spectrum Licences.
The RA utilises multiple types of legal frameworks to guide service providers and protect consumer rights. Read about these different tools and how they each work.
Explore our repository of current and past legal documents used by the RA to regulate Bermuda's sectors and protect the rights of consumers.
A collection of officially recorded decisions of the RA's Board of Commissioners.
Here you will find Media Releases and public notices issued by the RA.
A collection of reports published by the RA, including financial reports, RFQs, RFPs, sector reports, commissioned studies and more.
We welcome any comments or inquiries you may have.
The RA team is comprised of dedicated professionals in various areas of expertise.
The RA seeks to promote and preserve competition, promote the development of the Bermudian economy, and encourage investment and innovation.
We encourage innovation and integrity within our staff and the markets that we regulate. Join our team!
This Administrative Determination describes the targets to be set for BELCO for a selection of indicators and provides further instructions in relation to their calculation.